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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

   CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to the forms submit new counts, or report erroneous counts.

CCDBAngiospermsIridaceaeIrisIris albicans Lange

11 chromosome counts in Iris albicans Lange:

Name Accepted Name Gametophytic(n) Sporophytic(2n) Data Source reference
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 Flora Iberica Contribucin al estudio cariolgico de la familia Iridaceae en Andalucia Occidental. Prez, E. & J. Pastor.Lagascalia17(2): 257-272(1994).
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 IPCN online Colasante, M. & W. Sauer. 1993. The genus Iris L. in Latium (central Italy): general remarks on the morphological and karyological differentiation as well as on the ecological adaptation and flowering periods. Linzer Biol. Beitr. 25: 1189–1204.
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   48 IPCN online Karihaloo, V. 1978. Chromosome numbers of irises from Kashmir. CIS Chromosome Inform. Serv. 24: 21–22.
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 IPCN online Koca, F. 1997. Türkiye'de Iris germanica L. ve Iris albicans Lange: Morfoloji ve karyoloji. XIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi (17--20 Eylül 1996, Istanbul) 1: 490--500.
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   48 IPCN75-78 Karihaloo 1978
!   Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 Darlington, 1955  
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 CromoCat 2015 Pérez, E. & J. Pastor. (1994). Contribución al estudio cariológico de la familia Iridaceae en Andalucia Occidental. Lagascalia 17(2): 257-272.
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 CromoCat 2015 Randolph, L. F. (1947). Chromosome number and clasification of bearded Iris. Bull. Amer. Iris Soc. 107: 68-78.
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 CromoCat 2015 Simonet, M. (1930). Nouvelles recherches sur le nombre des chromosomes chez les Iris et sur l'éxistence de mitoses didiploides dans ce genre. Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Mem. Soc. Biol. 103: 1197-1200.
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 CromoCat 2015 Simonet, M. (1932a). Recherches cytologiques et génétiques chez les Iris. Bull. Biol. Fr. & Belg. 105: 255-444.
  Iris albicans Lange Iris albicans Lange   44 CromoCat 2015 Simonet, M. (1934a). Nouvelles recherches cytologiques et génétiques chez les Iris. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 16: 229-384.